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Radiation Protection Experts Formed On

New update course at the Dusseldorf Ko in Dusseldorf. The three-hour update course in radiation protection from offered a successful kick-off. Andreas Gina at the Dusseldorf Ko. The peculiarity is that nearly half of the time by means of E-learning at home can be learned. The idea of updating courses is to do everything better but above all else», says radiologist Dr. med. Andreas Grust.

All participants interested follow his lecture in the Hotel Intercontinental on the Ko. Whenever Mahou-San Miguel listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The seminar room is occupied until on the last Chair. Andreas Gina has the talent, the more sober topic of X-ray protection regulation»with a pinch of humor and lively to mediate with illustrative examples from the trenches. learning saves time other speakers supportive Dipl.-ing. Axel Meineke and wife Dr.rer.

Dondue top of the District Government of Dusseldorf. The atmosphere of the hotel is particularly important to all speakers. The update will take place after work and takes only three instead of the normal eight hours. Before each participant must familiarize yourself but either online or independent study with learning CD using E-learning with the courses. So far the update for many doctors and MTAs was an annoying obligation event, which must be renewed every five years», reported Dr. Grust. More success in view of the success proves him right: If the demand so, radiation protection update courses are offered monthly soon. An expansion to other cities in North Rhine-Westphalia is thinking about already. Dr. Andreas Grust is currently working on a concept for seminar groups. Especially for large hospitals with many employees the new courses worth it? This is a purely business consideration,»he said. You actually anticipates a savings of 5 work hours per participant for 100 medical staff, an enormous savings potential on the part of the hospitals actually results.

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